Stargate SG-1: The Alliance is an action shooter with exciting additions to both, the single-player and multi-player experience for all major platforms. |
| Utilizes the power of the well-known franchise by concentrating on team interaction and graphics as well as high-quality dialogue to be on par with what fans are used to from the TV series. | | Uses original game-play and a strong multi-player content to sway gamers who are not attracted by the license. | | The player will control one member of the team in each mission, with the remaining three being either taken over by AI or controlled by other players in co-op. Players will visit strikingly beautiful and occasionally bizarre alien worlds at various levels of technological advancement. | | Throughout the missions several vehicles, cannons and other devices can be utilized. Every team member will have specific abilities, adding game elements like stealth, hacking, eciphering of runes or use of melee weapons. | | SG-1 will be fast paced with intensive action in the style of Halo or Unreal, intersected with more tactical and stealth oriented parts. | | The team plays a central role, intensified by the trademark banter of SG-1, requiring players having to look after their teammates. |