Made by Upper Deck and based on the hit anime series and video game, Yu-Gi-Oh pits two players against one another in an all-out battle with awesome monsters and mighty spell-cards! |
The Yugi deck comes with these 3 rare foils that are not available in the booster packs! | Dark Magician | Card Destruction | Soul Exchange | It will take skill, practice, strategy, and luck to emerge victorious! Each 50-card pre-constructed Player Deck contains (47) common cards, (3) Foil cards, a Duel Field, and rulebook, and are introduced in 10-count displays, while 9-card Booster packs come in 24-count displays. Look for Rare, Super Rare, and Ultra Rare Magic, Trap, and Monster cards, as well as Fusion Monsters, which allow players to combine monsters to form one powerful monster to duel! |