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Lotus Notes Reporter v2.0 CD

Lotus Notes Reporter 2.0 is a powerful, easy to us
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Lotus Notes Reporter v2.0 CD
Lotus Notes Reporter 2.0 is a powerful, easy to use solution, which lets you work with Lotus Notes in exciting new ways. Now you and everyone on your team can view Notes databases and turn them into great-looking reports, ready-to-use mailing labels, colorful charts, dynamic crosstabs and more. It also lets you combine Notes data with other databases. And because its read-only, your original Notes data always stays intact. With Notes Reporter, presenting your data exactly the way you need it couldnt be easier. In minutes, you can produce mailing labels from your contact databases -- matched to Avery label codes or custom designed. Create form letters and envelopes and put it all together with automatic mail merge. Whether creating reports or mailings, you can select precisely the data you need with sophisticated query capabilities. Intuitive query by form lets you conduct searches using a wide range of criteria including wildcard, range, duplicate, sounds like and more. The new Find Assistant helps yo

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