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HyperOs Systems HyperOs 2003 R4

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HyperOs Systems HyperOs 2003 R4
WINDOWS MULTIPLIER AND MULTI WINDOWS MANAGER Clones your original Windows system if desired. Runs your original Windows system and up to 10 more Real Visible copies of Windows 95 OSR2, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003 Server, on one PC on one Hard Disk, using only one primary bootable partition, the C: drive. Swap systems without Multibooting. Double click, fire and forget, system swapping. Drag and drop whole system copy/paste/image/clone/backup/restore/zip/unzip. All disks, all partitions, All OSs and all data are unhidden, visible and accessible all the time. Integrates Partition Magic 8.0. Includes HyperOs Spirit ultra fast ram buffered sector copy system copy/paste/image/clone/backup/restore software. Copies data at 1GB per minute on a modern UDMA 5 HDD. Live system copy capability. HyperOs 2003 has the following new features : 1. Can zip up and restore the C drive. 2. Can restore a C drive image or zip to any other partition 3. Can clone the C drive to another parti

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