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CE Software Quickkeys X2 Mac

QuicKeys X2 is here and more powerful than ever. N
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CE Software Quickkeys X2 Mac
QuicKeys X2 is here and more powerful than ever. New shortcuts for storing and retrieving collections of images and text, pop-up menu selection, recording and playback, a redesigned interface and new multi-step shortcut tools make QuicKeys X2 the best, most powerful macro utility for Mac OS X.QuicKeys X2 performs shortcuts that automate the computing tasks you do each day. It takes the daily tasks that would normally require you five...six...twenty or more steps and turns them into simple one step shortcuts. Automate anything from launching programs, mounting servers, selecting menus, and running UNIX commands to typing text or shutting down your Classic environment. Whatever you do, however many steps, QuicKeys saves you time and increases your productivity.

The device is a registered trademark of Advanced System Technologies Limited.
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