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QUICK Step Elite Old Oak Light Grey

x26ltpx26gtQuick Step Elite Old Oak Light Grey is a wonderfully rusticlooking laminate with a textur
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QUICK Step Elite Old Oak Light Grey
x26ltpx26gtQuick Step Elite Old Oak Light Grey is a wonderfully rusticlooking laminate with a textured grey finishx26ltbr x26gtx26ltbr x26gtThis product will add a cosy country feel to your home with its soft muted colours and realistic grooves and whorls The scratchresistant topping makes it ideal for high traffic areas and it comes with a 25 year domestic guaranteex26ltbr x26gtx26ltbr x26gtQuick Step Elite Old Oak Light Grey has a plank size of 1380x156x8mm and is PEFCapproved It is not recom

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