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rentokil Moth Killer Pack

Plastic hanging unit and paper impregnated strips, both containing Transfluthin, for the control of
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rentokil Moth Killer Pack
Plastic hanging unit and paper impregnated strips, both containing Transfluthin, for the control of moths. Protects clothing and garments in wardrobes and cupboards. Hanging unit:Last for up to 6 months.Eliminates moths, larvae and eggs without any odour or stains.Incorporates an easy to use indicator for peace of mind protection.Size (H)17.3, (W)6.3, (D)1.5cm.Moth killer strips:Last up to 6 months.Eliminates moths, larvae and eggs with an odourless insecticide impregnated into a paper strip.No laundering or dry cleaning is required after use.Size 14 x 10.5cm.

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