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fair trade Recycled Iron Elephant

With his curly trunk and characterful look, this Fair Trade Recycled Iron Elephant is a real talking
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fair trade Recycled Iron Elephant
With his curly trunk and characterful look, this Fair Trade Recycled Iron Elephant is a real talking point wherever you put this wonderful sculpture. Hand-crafted from recycled (post-consumer) iron at a workshop in Rajastahan, India, by a fair trade producer, hes sold to raise valuable income for people in the community. An adorable gift - anyone who sees him cant resist him! Our supplier is a member of BAFTS. H26 x L20 x W6cm. Fair Trade This very unusual company is run by a Dutchman with a passion. He divides his time between Holland and India, and is committed to raising funds and awareness for orphanages in India. Employees at his Indian base are well paid and looked after in good, clean conditions.

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