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Zocor Heart-Pro Simvastatin 28 10mg tabs

Effectively reduces the risk of a heart attack.
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Zocor Heart-Pro Simvastatin 28 10mg tabs
Effectively reduces the risk of a heart attack. Zocor Heart-Pro reduces the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood by around 27%. Each Zocor Heart-Pro film coated tablet contains 10mg simvastatin. Simvastatin belongs to a group of medicines known as statins which significantly reduce the amount of cholesterol in your blood. Zocor Heart-Pro reduces the level of LDL (bad) cholesterol and fatty substances called triglycerides in your blood and raises HDL (good) cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is called bad cholesterol because it is the cholesterol that clogs your coronary arteries. HDL is called good cholesterol because it helps to protect against heart disease. Too much cholesterol in your blood builds up the walls of the arteries and causes plaque to form. This can lead to a narrowing of the coronary artery. Zocor Heart-Pro is for people who have a moderate risk of coronary heart disease (heart disease due to build up of plaque in the coronary arteries). Moderate risk means your chances of having

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