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Mavic Crossroc 29#34; Wts Mtb Front Wheel 2014

The first MTB Wheel-Tyre System : no brainer all-round tubeless solutionNew all-round Wheel-Tyre Sys
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Mavic Crossroc 29#34; Wts Mtb Front Wheel 2014
The first MTB Wheel-Tyre System : no brainer all-round tubeless solutionNew all-round Wheel-Tyre System : perfectly matching characteristics performance and graphics between wheels and tyres.Lighter wheel tubeless ready system. Versatile UST Tubeless Ready tyre and40;Crossroc Roamand41; to suit all terrains.Available in: 26/650band40;27.5and41;/29.Weight : 1755 grams and40;pair of wheeland41;RIMSTyre: UST Tubeless and tubetypeJoint: pinnedRecommended tyre sizes: 1.5 to 2.3Disc brake specific profileI

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