| From superb villas in residential neighbourhoods to imposing skyscrapers in the financial district, design, construct and develop the city of your dreams. Provide comfort and satisfaction for your citizens by offering them work, health care, entertainment facilities and much more and ensure that your citys coffers are brimming. Let peace reign between the six unique subcultures, or pay the price should the situation deteriorate into conflict, riots, and, in the world-case scenario, fires. | | - Build the city of the future including residential, industrial, municipal services, education, entertainment and a complete infrastructure system. | | -Experience an unprecedented level of detail and animation in the City Builder genre. | | - With 360 camera rotation and zooming, you can dive into the heart of your city to observe its inhabitants. | | - Track income and spending within the city and refine the infrastructure for maximum efficiency. | | - Ensure that the six subcultures share the city in the best way to guarantee peace and prosperity. | | - Satisfy the eight basic needs for each inhabitant: Work, Shopping, Health, Safety, Education, Leisure Activities, Quality of Life and Neighbourhood. | | - Play in Scenario or Free mode and explore 22 maps in five different environments. | | - Evaluate your performance continually with the scoring system. | | - Take it one step further with the map editor. |