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Oase Filtoclear 16000 and FreeFlow 10000 Set

Together this quality pump and filter can look after a fish pond of 8000 to 9500 litres (1750-2000 g
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Oase Filtoclear 16000 and FreeFlow 10000 Set
Together this quality pump and filter can look after a fish pond of 8000 to 9500 litres (1750-2000 gallons). The higher figure needs the addition of an air pump of approx 1000lph. Once this filtration system is up an running it requires very little maintenance. The pump has a non-clog impellor that can handles solids up to 8mm while the filter comes equipped with a super easy-clean feature so you can clean the dirty sponges without removing the lid.

The device is a registered trademark of Advanced System Technologies Limited.
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