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Oase Biotec Set 64000 Pond System

This Special System is put together by ourselves at Pondkeeper - it includes the extra large Biotec
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Oase Biotec Set 64000 Pond System
This Special System is put together by ourselves at Pondkeeper - it includes the extra large Biotec 30 Pond Filter combined with the Aquamax Premium Eco 16000 Pond Pump and Bitron 72C UVC.Suitable for decorative ponds to 65 000 litres (14 300gall) ponds with fish to 32 000 litres (7000 gallon). Can also cater for koi ponds with 16 000 litres (3500 gallon). The high build quality and features contained in all of this kits components make this one of the easiest systems to maintain.

The device is a registered trademark of Advanced System Technologies Limited.
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