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Lotus Clear Pond 18 Filter Hozelock Aquaforce 4000

Perfect Pump and Filter Set for goldfish ponds up to 10 000 Litres (2200 gallons) or mixed fisheries
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Lotus Clear Pond 18 Filter  Hozelock Aquaforce 4000
Perfect Pump and Filter Set for goldfish ponds up to 10 000 Litres (2200 gallons) or mixed fisheries including Koi to 5000 Ltrs (1100 gallons). This compact multi-bay system employs filter foam cartridges brushes and Flocor media to ensure your dirty pond water is thoroughly filtered. It has a powerful 18w UVC unit built into the lid to keep your water clear of green water and its a doddle to clean by utilising the quick action back flush. A full de-sludge is also available by simple hose atta

The device is a registered trademark of Advanced System Technologies Limited.
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